Alex and the Ghosts is a short animated film about a 7 year old boy who dreams of going to a hockey game with his father to see his favorite team play, the Montreal Canadiens.
His grandfather was an usher at the Old Forum and used to tell Alex all kinds of exciting and magical stories about the old legends of hockey, and how they became the ghosts of the Canadiens. Now that his grandfather has passed away, Alex wants so much to get closer to his father by initiating him to the enchanted world he shared with his grandfather: the magic of the ghosts of the old legends. His father is also a great hockey fan, but his work as a taxi driver and his fatherly responsibilities keep him from fully engaging in his son’s games and imagination.
Alex and the Ghosts is a story of childhood magic and wonderment around a legendary hockey team, uniting the past and present, reaching out to the youthful hearts of sport fans of all ages.